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New Immigration Measures In The US: Benefits For Families And Professionals

New Immigration Measures in the US: Benefits for Families and Professionals

Recently, President Biden has announced major changes to the United States immigration system, focused on strengthening the family unit and facilitating opportunities for domestically educated professionals, including DACA recipients. These measures represent a significant step toward more inclusive and fair immigration reform.

Simplified Permanent Residence: One of the main updates is the simplification of the process to obtain permanent residence. Spouses and children of US citizens who are not citizens will now be able to begin this process without the need to leave the country. This change seeks to ensure family stability and recognize the valuable contribution of these individuals to American society.

Facilitation of Work Visas: In addition, the new policies include facilities for work visas, especially for university graduates. This measure not only supports talented young people who have been educated in the United States, but also opens new opportunities for professionals who want to contribute to the economy and the development of local communities.

Impact on Communities and the Economy: These measures not only strengthen family cohesion, but also promote the integration of individuals who have contributed significantly to our communities and the national economy. They recognize the importance of diversity and the contribution of immigrants to the growth and development of the United States.

What does this mean for you? If you are part of a family with non-citizen members, these new policies could represent a real opportunity to ensure your stay in the United States in a legal and stable manner. If you are a US-educated professional or DACA recipient, these measures offer you a clearer path to professional development and stability in your career.

In conclusion, the recent immigration measures announced are a step towards a more equitable and comprehensive system. We, as immigration law experts, are here to help you understand and take advantage of these opportunities. Contact us to obtain personalized advice and ensure a secure future for you and your family in the United States.


For more information:

Visit the official statement from the White House on the new actions announced by President Biden to keep families together:

Fact Sheet: President Biden Announces New Actions to Keep Families Together

Carlos Sandoval

Carlos Enrique Sandoval, Attorney, member of the FL Bar, AILA and licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court and the Federal Court for the Southern District of Florida.

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