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Domestic Violence Awareness

Attorney Carlos E Sandoval delves into the sensitive issue of domestic violence. He tells us that "The fact that a person is undocumented does not mean that abuse should be allowed", even less domestic violence perpetuated by a partner, parents,…

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What is happening? After decades of conflict, invasions, wars and as a result of the departure of American troops, the Taliban have already taken over almost the entire country, including the capital, causing worldwide terror. With a population of approximately…

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Que está pasando? Después de décadas de conflicto, invasiones, guerras y  a raíz de la salida de las tropas Americanas los Talibanes han tomado ya casi todo el país incluyendo la capital causando terror a nivel mundial. Con una población…

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Debido al reciente terremoto de magnitud 7,2 y las tormentas tropicales que azotaron a Haití, el país ya afectado por la pobreza se encuentra en estado de emergencia. Más de 2.200 personas han perdido la vida, cientos siguen desaparecidos y…

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Due to the recent 7.2 magnitude earthquake and the tropical storms that struck Haiti, the already poverty stricken country of Haiti is in a state of emergency. More than 2,200 people have lost their lives, hundreds are still missing and…

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