Familiares directos
An unlimited number of green cards can be issued to immigrants who are immediate relatives of US citizens. Examples of…
Adaptación del estatuto
El ajuste de estatus es un procedimiento que permite a determinados extranjeros que ya se encuentran en Estados Unidos solicitar el estatus de inmigrante....
Preferencias familiares
First Preference: Unmarried Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens. Second Preference: Spouse and Children, and Unmarried Sons &…
Visado para novios
The fiancé(e) K-1 nonimmigrant visa is for the foreign-citizen fiancé(e) of a United States (U.S.) citizen. The K-1 visa permits the…
Exenciones de inadmisibilidad
A person not eligible to be admitted into the United States or to adjust their status, may obtain lawful admission by…
Exenciones provisionales I-601A
A partir del 4 de marzo de 2013, ciertos extranjeros que no tienen estatus legal actualmente en los EE.UU. y son cónyuge, hijo o padre de un...
Supresión de condiciones
You may be in the United States as a Conditional Resident if you were married for less than two years to your U.S. citizen…
Inmigrantes especiales
Learn about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), TPS (Temporary Protected Status) & Cuban Adjustment Services…
With the exception of children of foreign diplomats, people born in the United States are US citizens. Some people who are born outside of the ...