k1 Visa Lawyer & Business Visas in South Florida
Trabajador especializado temporal H1-B
The H-1B visa classification allows a foreign worker to enter the U.S. temporarily for the purpose...
Visado H-2A para trabajadores agrícolas
The H-2A Visa allows foreign workers entry to the U.S. to work in agriculture. The H-2A visa is not self-petitioned. Employers must apply...
Visado H-2B para trabajadores temporeros
While only a few H-2B Visas are issued each year, the visa is nonetheless useful. The H-2B visa enables U.S. businesses and agents...
Visado de prácticas H3
The H-3 Visa is specifically designed to enable you to train in the U.S. in almost any discipline. USCIS calls this loose classification...
E-1 Comerciantes
El Visado de Comerciante por Tratado (E-1) es el resultado de un acuerdo entre EE.UU. y algunas otras naciones en materia de comercio...
Inversores con tratado E-2
The Treaty Investor (E-2) Visa is a non-immigrant visa based around treaty agreements the U.S. maintains between certain countries...
L-1 Transferencia dentro de la empresa
El visado de negocios intraempresarial L-1 permite a directivos, ejecutivos y empleados con conocimientos especializados trasladarse de una empresa extranjera...
O-1 para extranjeros con capacidades extraordinarias
The O-1 visa is a temporary work visa available to foreign nationals who have “extraordinary ability...
Personal de apoyo O-2 de titulares de visados O-1
Los visados O-2 se ofrecen al personal de apoyo de los titulares de visados O1 en los ámbitos del atletismo, el espectáculo...
P-1 Atletas Destacados, Equipo de Atletas y Empresas de Entretenimiento
P-1 visas are issued to certain entertainers, circus artists,..
P-2 Programas de intercambio recíproco
P-2 Visas are issued to artists or entertainers, individually or as a group entering the U.S. as a part...
P-3 Grupos culturalmente únicos
La clasificación P-3 puede concederse a artistas o animadores que vienen a Estados Unidos individualmente o en grupo para desarrollar, interpretar...
Visado R-1 para trabajadores religiosos
The R-1 Visa enables religious workers to temporarily enter the United States. A religious vocation is defined as a calling to religious life...
Visado TN-1
Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), certain citizens of Canada and Mexico are eligible to enter the U.S. under...
Visado TN-2
Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), certain citizens of Canada and Mexico are eligible to enter the U.S. under...
Change or Extension Of Visa Status
Applying for a change of status provides permission to foreigners with a non-immigrant visa in the United States to change status to another...
Permanent Foreign Labor Certification
A Permanent Foreign Labor Certification from the Department of Labor (DOL) allows...