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Debido al reciente terremoto de magnitud 7,2 y las tormentas tropicales que azotaron a Haití, el país ya afectado por la pobreza se encuentra en estado de emergencia. Más de 2.200 personas han perdido la vida, cientos siguen desaparecidos y miles han perdido sus hogares. Por el momento requieren con urgencia:

  • Suministros medicos
  • Productos femeninos
  • Agua y comida
  • Tiendas de campaña, colchones, cobijas, almohadas
  • Ropa, zapatos
  • Linternas

Otras maneras de ayudar puede ser a traves de donaciones monetarias por medio de organizaciones previamente verificadas y que han demostrado transparencia fiscal (en el terremoto pasado la ayuda no llegó a los más necesitados):

En Carlos E. Sandoval, PA, estamos ayudando a los solicitantes de TPS de Haití que califiquen con aplicaciones de TPS a mitad de precio. Para obtener ayuda, comuníquese con nosotros al 954-306-6921.

Carlos Sandoval

Carlos Enrique Sandoval, Attorney, member of the FL Bar, AILA and licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court and the Federal Court for the Southern District of Florida.



Due to the recent 7.2 magnitude earthquake and the tropical storms that struck Haiti, the already poverty stricken country of Haiti is in a state of emergency. More than 2,200 people have lost their lives, hundreds are still missing and thousands have lost their homes. At the moment they urgently require:

  • Medical supplies
  • Feminine products
  • Food and water
  • Tents, mattresses, blankets, pillows
  • Clothes & shoes
  • Flashlights

Other ways to help can be through monetary donations through previously verified organizations that have demonstrated fiscal transparency (in the last earthquake the aid did not reach those most in need): (they have several locations in South FL where you can take your donations)

At Carlos E. Sandoval, PA we are helping qualifying TPS applicants from Haiti with half priced TPS applications, for assistance please contact us at 954-306-6921.

Carlos Sandoval

Carlos Enrique Sandoval, Attorney, member of the FL Bar, AILA and licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court and the Federal Court for the Southern District of Florida.

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